
Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Without a Domain

Been slacking on writing Round #5, haven't been motivated lately; it happens. I have these spurts of lethargy, but get over them pretty quickly. The main thing distracting me is trying to set up a website, not the actual technical part, more so coming up with a name (there are a few at the moment, but I won't list them because they are either too lame to share or too good to risk losing) and direction for it.

Earlier, I promised to deliver some music to match my stories and they will arrive soon and they will be awesome. How many short stories have you read on the internet that have their own sound track? I can't name any. This concept is the idea behind the website, a cross promotion of two artists, one a writer, one a musician. With our powers combined... Notoriety! theory.

Bad news, probably moving off these awesome free service made possible by the lovely people at Google. No, I don't work for them.
Good news, moving to a legit website, which I can pass out via swanky business cards or shitty thin frisbees with bad graphic design on them.

In others news, New THQ president wants an adult humor-free Saints Row. In my last blog I stated how I both loved Saint's Row: The Third and Naughty Dog. Somehow combining the two in this fashion is not going to work out. It would be a shame to see this game that went from being a GTA clone to surpassing it while paying tribute at the same, to well... GTA IV. As much as I enjoyed GTA IV as a stand alone title, I also loathed it as a part of the series. There are a lot of serious intricate games out there right now, some slathered with melodrama and convoluted story lines, and some gems; it's nice to have a break that involves skydiving with automatic weapons and using a giant yarn ball to run over mascots... Not everyone wants to slay a dragon everyday, some men just want to watch the world get beat to death with a penetrator...or do it themselves.

1 comment:

  1. The video game industry is crumbling!

    Can't wait to see this website go live... sounds unique. Are you still gonna blog?
