
Thursday, April 5, 2012

The Shepard

Lately Bioware has made a lot of updates about the backlash of Mass Effect 3's ending. This most recent says to me that they aren't going to change the terrible ending: Their Blog. I got over the ending...for the most part. I realized a week after beating it that if they were to change the ending it would probably be a feckless thing in the end. The toothpaste is already out of the tube.

Basically that.
Now that I have settled down about one of the most anti-climatic video game endings in history, I have had time to think. Generally, when I speak to fans, they have the same belief about the ending: it did not make sense and it did match the sum of all the work put into it; it felt rushed. Most everyone I have talked to hated the ending and will probably never forget it... It's embedded.

But what if this... What if...that was BioWare's point from the very start? What if BioWare wanted us all to be brought together under one common banner, a banner to hate the ending to the series? That would mean that Shepard really did do his job, but not in game, in our lives. Think about it... If the majority of people are united in the decision that the ending sucked, then that would also mean that everyone was brought together. If this was BioWare's true intention, it was brilliant. I doubt that was the case, but what if...?

The Shepard brought the flock of Mass Effect fans together under one shelter.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Choose Your Own Adventure

I remember growing up reading Goosebumps, which in retrospect were not even remotely frightening, but I had to start off with horror somewhere. The series was pretty tame in comparison with a lot of media today and yet still got flak back when it came out. The thing I remember the most about the series was the choose your own adventure books, more specifically the carnival one; I always ended up dying a lot. Turn to page 25 or page 182. Page 25: You're teeth are knocked out by a homeless man with a sock filled with pennies. The ambulance runs you over upon arrival and you die. Page 182: You meet the love of your life. She's a serial killer. You are beaten to death with a pound of frozen chicken. She buries you in children's park sandbox.

This got me thinking about an idea to keep me productive, bring in more readers, and sharpen my fine talent. I also have to thank a friend of mine who had already applied a similar concept on a forum. I am going to make a twist on this. Instead of having the reader choose the story as I write and decide from a few options what happens next, I will have the readers vote on a premise. The premise will be based on certain things such as genre, protagonist occupation, setting, and more when I think of them. These parameters will have a number of selections, selections that will be random each time.

More to come when I figure out a method to my madness.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Name Change

I've determined the reason I cannot get picked up by an agency is because of my name. I know many writers have changed their and were successful. There is a correlation between catchy names and being published.

The name that has stuck with me the most during this thought process is: River Scott. Expect anything from me in the future to have that name.