I love to learn, which explains why the front page of my browser is the news. I bounce around on wikipedia and end up visiting it anytime something remotely interesting is mentioned in a book, movie, video games, or tv show. I stop whatever I am doing and look for information on it. I never want to stop learning.
That all said. Sometimes just listening to people talk can teach others a lot. Not talking about sitting down in a classroom, that goes without saying. I mean, just hearing someone talk about their work.
I have been reading Game of Thrones and while it is taking me forever to get through the books because of both their length and my anxiety towards what is ahead, I have gotten a lot of inspiration from it. The show is wonderful and does justice to the writer, George R. R. Martin. He had some insightful things to say about his book and the show. Found it fascinating how his already popular series exploded into the mainstream because of the show.
Here's a long-ass interview brought to you by google. Check it out if you wish!
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